The Chinese Boxer
When you talk about movies that changed the world, The Chinese Boxer unquestionably has to take its place among them. Jimmy Wang was already an established superstar in Hong Kong and Asia, but The Chinese Boxer, his first film as director, wasn't just the first open-handed martial-arts film from Hong Kong to become a worldwide blockbuster, its influence on all martial-arts films since, especially Bruce Lee's, cannot be understated. And like many influential films, it remains a classic because it's terrific, still incredibly exciting and fun, with fight scenes (including a fantastic climatic battle between Wang Yu and Lo Lieh) that are some of the best in movie history. The story may seem like a like bunch of clichés, filled with scenes you've seen in other movies, but keep in mind that this is the movie those films took it from. The Chinese Boxer is one of the true martial-arts classics, as amazing now as it was in 1970.